I am feeling much better today, thank you very much!

Ignore that it reads for horses-cattle-small animals-pets. I have used this stuff on my kids bums for years. I can classify them into that small animals category, right?
This stuff works wonders for taking the sting out of sunburns. I do try to avoid sunburns all together, especially on the kids. So I wasn't thrilled when it happened to me this past weekend. But better me than them. Corona is thick, very thick. Once you get over the fact that you are going to have to touch that poor red skin of yours it's all good.
It will not keep you from peeling but it will help you feel TONS better. Be prepared for it to smell funny and be really greasy. This is something that you want to put on and try not to touch anything.
It could also be labeled as a children's repellent. every time I put it on my kids want nothing to do with me. I can set in a chair with no worries of being wollered to death!
It will be to thick to rub into the skin. You will want to apply a thin layer over the irritated area and allow it to "soak in" (several hours). I will lather myself up when I get home and then before going to bed I will throw on an old t-shirt and shorts.
Corona can be purchased at your local farmers co-op for about $8 a jar. I have had this one above for 4 years.
This works wonders on baby's backside!

I haven't heard of that one...definitely worth a try! Thanks!