Ryan new that I had wanted a small NY decal for the back of my car. This was the first time I have ever requested to put ANYTHING on my car. So I had expressed my interest in it being about 3 inches tall and very “clean lined” no color etc.
So he surprised me with this. A nice 8 inch tall NY decal for my car. He had no idea when he ordered it what size it was going to be. Needless to say I was not going to be applying to my car anytime soon.
I got the clever idea to make him a board for his office. He had been asking for something to have a work to display the kid’s pictures and drawings that they make for him. Seeing he offices at a baseball field, I thought this was fitting.
Using my level ,as a spacer, I taped off pinstripes across one entire side.
Spray painted it Yankee blue.
And then removed the tape for perfect stripes. Loving how it turned out!
I applied the logo over the stripes.
And used these to adhere to the back for hanging.
Grabbing a magnet to hang Gabe’s T-ball picture on it is when I realized what I had done.
While at the hardware store I was so excited about the square 24 x 24 sheet of stainless steel I was getting for a mere $13.00. I failed to stop and realize that stainless is NOT magnetic.
One of those "duh moments" I wished came to mind before I finished the project.
So now I am stuck with trying to figure out a way to make it work. I might try sticking magnet sheets on the back and see if the stainless is thin enough to work.
Sigh…It would have been so cute!