Life has been crazy around here, to say the least, for the past few weeks. All starting with the near loss of our home to a local grass fire.
It was spring break last week and we spent time with my sister, her kiddos and my mom on a little road trip. Then the kids and I were due to fly out to Charlottesville, VA on Friday , with our team, for the first round of the NCAA tournament. But, Ryan’s season was underway and the kids had obligations etc., etc., so I decided to stay home.
After a baseball game Friday night we planned on attending my nephews 4th birthday out at my sister’s house Saturday.
He was having a Spiderman party.
With goodies
A bounce house
That little man used to show us his never ending sweat glands!
The kiddos played and took turns on the birthday boys “four wheeler”.
Then just as all the kids were coming into the house for cake I stepped on the back porch to call Gabe in. I could see my brother-in-law flying across the back yard with his dad a few steps behind. Then watched him kick their English springer spaniel flying into the air.
It was in that moment when it sunk in what had just happened. As my blood soaked child came running toward me. Their family hunting dog, chained up in the back, had just attacked my sons face and head.
As a mom you have two choices, I could have EASILY freaked out and lost all control. Or I could stay calm and HELP my child the best I could.
I choice the latter.
He never cried, he was in complete and utter shock, and felt bad that he had wet himself.
As I held him telling him everything was going to be Ok. I noticed that all my clothes where coming completely blood soaked. He had a huge bite on the back of his head that was bleeding profusely.
This is when I began screaming to call 911.
We made our way to the front of the house to wait for the paramedics. That was my first look at my sweet boy’s face that made my stomach churn.
The paramedics arrived and shortly thereafter the police.
Gabe was stable, but in shock. I decided it best to have my dad drive us into Children’s Hospital, about 35 minutes away. Rather than the added trauma of an ambulance ride.
I had to call Ryan, just as his baseball game had started, and let him know he needed to meet me at Children’s, there had been an accident.
He had 20 stictches to his mouth and seven staples to the back of his head.
I tell you this in such detail because looking back on it all now I see all the blessings that took place at each step.
{ Yes, his shirt he had on that day said TOUGH}
First, no children, including Hannah, had to witness the attack. Gabe has his teeth, eyes, and nose . Ryan happened to be playing at home this weekend and was not out of the state.
God had given me the strength and grace to completely trust Him in taking care of Gabe. He has yet to remember the attack or the ride to the hospital, and may never remember.
I am in the middle of reading One Thousand Gifts and it has blessed me at a time when I needed it the most!
This was a true and freak accident. The dog did not “attack” Gabe and Gabe had not teased the dog. Simply got tangled up in his chain, choking the dog, and causing Gabe to fall on top of the dog. With adults mere feet away. It all happened in a blink of an eye.
Yes, he will have scars but no permanent disfiguration.
He has been enjoying the many get well cards, meals and Lego sets {smile}!
God is good!
Isaiah 61:10
Needless to say my crafting creative mind has been on hold. So please forgive the severe lack of my usually posts. I am hopeful to be back soon in full swing.

Oh wow. My heart goes out to you and admires you in the very same beat. Virtual hugs for everyone!
ReplyDeleteOh, my! I am speechless. We will keep his recovery in prayer. I honestly don't know what I would have done.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I am in shock at those pictures! I am so very sorry that he had to go through that, and that YOU had to witness that. How unbelievably scary. So, so glad that he is ok. Big (((HUGS))) to all of you!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! Thank goodness he's okay. How very scary.
ReplyDeleteOur underground fence got hit by lightning and we had the dogs on leads until we could get it fixes (An electrician friend said he fixed it but he didn't)...anyway, this weekend my 10 year old was sitting in the grass with the dog and a stray wandered by, she freaked and wound around him with the lead wrapping around his head and ear (Thank goodness it wasn't his neck). He only had some major bruising...but the dogs are in a big, hastily built dog run now.
Not sure why I shared that entire story. I guess I just so know what you all happens so fast!
What a blessing that he is going to be just fine and doesn't remember much. Your pictures made my heart hurt. I can't imagine how you were able to keep calm. I will keep ya'll in my prayers!
Oh, Kate, as a Mom I am totally giving you a big hug! It doesn't change as they get older ~ my son split his chin open at school at an obstacle course senior year of high school and, while I functioned to drive up to the school and take him to the ER, inside I was freaking! Of course, when they are older, they say things like, "if anybody asks, I got this in a fight." I hope your heart is back in your chest now, and I hope your sister and brother-in-law are not beating themselves up over this freak accident.
ReplyDeleteI feel horrible for your sweet little boy! You are right, many blessings took place that day. When we stop and take a minute to recognize God's hand in our lives its simply amazing!! He is so good. Sounds like you handled this horrific situation with such grace. {{HUGS}}
ReplyDeletekate. I cant even begin to say how amazed I am at you and your wonderful son. This post really choked me up. That is the face of an angel.. before and after. hold him a little closer and breath deep my friend. You will both be ok.
ReplyDeleteGOd is good.
xo Tana
oh my heavens! poor baby! he is such a brave boy and thank GOD that he is ok!
ReplyDeleteOh my oh my. Sweet sweet boy I pray he never remembers the attack. So glad he is ok :)
ReplyDeleteO wow, My heart goes out to you. Your poor baby, you are right though, so much to thankful for and that is God's blessing. I will be praying for him and you as well.
ReplyDeleteOh-my! So glad you you were able to be so brave for him and now are able to see all the blessings from this. So sorry this happened... sending prayers to Gabe. :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh Kate I’m sooooo sorry that happened to you and your son. It’s amazing that you were able to remain calm but what a gift. He needed his mommy to be strong for him! Ah so, so ,so, scary! Crazy how quickly things can change. I hope he continues to get lots of get well cards and lego set......he deserves it!
ReplyDeleteI was involved in a dog attack a year ago and I’m still suffering from the emotional trauma. I was walking my yorkie when we were viciously attacked by a bull mastiff. I hope your little guys age will help him from having to deal with that. I have not walked our dog in our neighborhood since, I’m very leery about taking our dogs around other dogs, I am now afraid of big dogs (I hate that). I’ve always loved dogs of all kinds but if I see a stray dog while I’m outside my heart automatically starts to race. I have dog attack nightmares from time to time and our little guy never fully recovered from the attack. He now has problems with his hind legs. Going through something like that really makes you think differently about stuff. I know your situation was different than mine but MAN I have no tolerance for people who are not responsible dog owners. The dog that attacked us was loose in our neighborhood. The owners didn’t know he got out. Ah I still get worked up when I talk about it. Anyhoo I’m sure you little guy being so young will keep him from suffering through all the emotional junk that comes along with a dog attack.
So happy he’s okay!
If you want to read the post about our dog attack you can find it here:
Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"
Oh my goodness Kate you guys have had so much happen in such a short time. Thank God for all the protection from permanent damage and all the blessings that were in place. My goodness, big hugs to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteOMG! That happened to my husband when he was 3. It was the neighbors german shephard. His pictures look a lot like his. I'm so sorry! That is so scary! I can't imagine what you went through! Prayers are coming your way!
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing that he doesn't remember what happened and an even bigger blessing that he's going to be okay. Praying for a quick recovery without any complications and God's comfort too.
ReplyDeleteOh, my hear aches after reading this. What a horrible and scary situation! I'm so glad to hear that Gabe will be alright! I'm sending your family a huge virtual hug and many Prayers! God is Good!
Oh my word -- what a scary day that had to be for all of you. Was glad to read the update first and that he is doing so well. Sending prayers your way.
Kate I'm sorry I am just now reading this but I am at a loss for words. I'm so sorry Gabe had to go through that and I'm hoping he doesn't have any emotional scars for the rest of his life. I'm praying his wounds heal quickly and I'm just so thankful to God for him being ok.
ReplyDeleteMay I ask what happened to the dog if it was just an accident?
I hope you all are doing much better and things can improve soon.
I am so sorry to hear about the dog attack. My heart was aching and making me think back about a month ago when something almost the exact same happened to my son. We were so luck! We have a Cocker Spaniel and she was sleeping on the couch and my son and husband were playing on the floor right by the couch and my son fell face first on top of her and she got started and attacked. He was screaming and when he got up he was covered in blood and I was freaking on the inside but knew I couldn't for his sake. He was sooo lucky because no stitches were required but he has been left with a few scars on his nose but thankfully it was all ok. I hope that you and the rest of your family are recovering well and continue to heal!