On our past visits we had taken in just about every tourist attraction the city had to offer. So I was excited this time to just get to hang out in the city rather than trying to make sure we see it all. We did visit two sites that we had not yet been to and I can't wait to share that with you.

First things first after arriving we had to get us something to eat. We walked a few blocks over to the Shake Shack.

I had seen a show on the Food Channel regarding this place and wanted to check it out.

We were in town to catch the Yankee's vs. Red Sox games so I had planned to visit a few things that I wanted to see. Our first stop was Chelsea Market. I was so excited to see where Rachel Ray, Paula Deen and the Food Channel shopped.
Chelsea Market houses several shops at street level while filming for the shows takes place upstairs.
We stopped by Eleni's...
She has lot's a beautiful cookies .

With the kiddos back home we were able to eat at a few places that only served either wine or water.

Our first night we chose authentic Italian food at Spiga.

With our happy stuffed little tummy's we were ready to call it a night. As we walked along Columbus Ave. and turned the corner to walk the block up to our hotel this is what I found just 4 tiny little doors down.

A Goodwill!

Can you believe it! Smack dab in one of the poshest area's in the city. I went in the narrow little store to find Prada, Gucci, Burrberry and girls these were not the knock off ones. They did not have many housewares at all. But I did stumble on an entire set of Ballard Design dinner plates, salad plates and bowls for just $1.99 each.
Sadly, I could not justify carrying home 30 pounds of china so I had to settle on just two.
Can't wait to share with you our visit to SoHo, NoHo, Chinatown, Empire State building and Katz's Deli tomorrow.

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