
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Puzzle Up!

We attend several get to gathers over Christmas that has a number of children ages 10 and under. I always like to take a little something to them that might just help keep the entertained during the party.

Last year I took this, and this year I am taking these.

Make and create your own puzzle!

 I purchased blank puzzles, turquoise envelopes, and boxes of crayons in 8 all from my local teaching store.

 First, turn the blank puzzles over and write the same number on each puzzle piece per puzzle. I had a total of eight puzzles. So using a sharpie I wrote number 1 on each piece for the first puzzle and so on. This will help settle any arguments over whose piece belongs to whom!

 Slide the puzzle into your envelope and add a pretty bow tying on the crayons last.

Don’t you just love those little snowflakes? I picked them up at the Dollar tree, 8 for $1.00!

I will be linking up to theses great sites today Fingerprints On the Fridge - Remodelaholic - Frugal & Fabulous Design - Finding Fabulous - Miss Mustard Seed - Show and Tell



  1. You really are just TOO clever! Such a great idea!

  2. I love this idea and am going to totally copy it for my peppermint party if you don't mind! Thanks so much.

  3. What a fabulous idea! Just featured it! :)
