
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Homemade Ice Cream Caramel Sauce

It’s official! The Christmas cooking, baking and creating has begun!

 Each year I always make the same things. Chocolate Caramel covered apples, Caramel corn, monster cookies, and chocolate covered pretzels. So this year I have decided to add a couple of new treats.

Over the summer I picked up a few cases of small jelly jars for $3.00 a case. So I was looking for something to fill them up. And this weekend I started that process with Homemade Ice Cream Caramel Sauce.

Here is how to make this yummy treat.

First you need to gather the following

¾ Cup white sugar
¾ Cup water
1/3 cup butter, cubed
¾ Cup whipping cream
½ tsp. vanilla

Combine water and sugar and heat over med-low heat until sugar dissolves. Then increase heat to med-high and cook until sugar turns a deep amber color {don’t rush this step like I did on my first batch, you’ll end up with a milk white Caramel sauce!} Using a wet pastry brush to wipe down the sides and “swirl” the sugar as it cooks.

Once the amber color appears slowly pour in whipping cream. Sauce will bubble rapidly. *UPDATE* I Failed to tell you to add the butter right here! Remove from heat and add vanilla. Pour into jelly jars while still hot and seal. Wait to hear that “pop” to insure that it has sealed. Allow to cool!

Can be kept at room temp. until opened. Then store in refrigerator.

You know that I had to spray paint my lids and tops! Then I just added our family sticker and we are good-to-go.

Linking up at these great site today Tempt my Tummy - Tuesday at the Table - Tasty Tuesday - Gold Star Wednesday



  1. What a great gift idea! Thanks for sharing - I always am on the lookout for small gifts for coworkers and neighbors and such.

  2. What a great idea!! I bet this would make an excellent brownie sundae :)

  3. love this idea would not only love to use it myself but would make a great gift from the kitchen as well

  4. Hi Kate:) Have you posted your recipe for chocolate carmel covered apples? I was thinking of making those for teachers this year and am looking for a great recipe. Thanks!

  5. What a great idea! Such a cute gift! I'm your newest follower!

  6. I love it! This is such a great gift. I'd be thrilled to get one myself.

  7. Yum ... who wouldn't love to get that? And I love the spray-painted lids!

    Visiting from The CSI Project.

  8. What a great idea! I'm just wondering how I can get on your gift list! ;)

  9. Aside from the simple, yummy recipe - the packaging is cute to boot! :) Thanks for sharing!!

  10. I love homemade gifts; this sounds wonderful! And such cute labels :)

    The theme this week at This Week's Cravings blog party is Christmas Treats: baking, treats and gifts... so this would be a perfect addition! I'd love to have you!

  11. That's an excellent idea! What a great gift! I'm new here and will be looking around at your great blog! Thanks for this gift suggestion!

  12. Sounds wonderful and I want to make it - - but when do you add the butter? Thanks for sharing a wonderful idea!! I love the painted lids!!

  13. Wow, this is fantastic & I LOVE the spray painted lids on your jelly jar! They give the gifts such a great pop! I love homemade caramel sauce! Thanks for sharing!

  14. OMG, you posted this and skipped steps and ingredients. How frustrating is that. My daughter is making this and it was a huge fiasco and she had to resort to googling it to get the missing steps. This mistake is not only costly as far as ingredients but a big time sucker.

  15. Kathy,

    So sorry for the trouble it caused. I pulled out my recipe and the only thing i noticed missing is when to add the butter. But that's a HUGE one. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention. I can now repost with that correct information.

    I sooo agree what a big time sucker. I have done this before on recipes that I have copied form blogs. It is very frustrating.

  16. Yummy! I'll better try this one this weekend. My kids would definitely love this. Thanks fO rthe post and keep it up!
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