
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A little Tuna Noodle L.O.V.E.

I think every family has a few of these.

One of our family {minus the husband} favorites is Tuna Noodle Casserole. My mom used to make it for us when my dad was away on hunting trips {he didn’t like it either}. It gave us something to look forward to when we knew he was going to be away.
And now I have passed that on to my kiddos. When Ryan’s season starts, and he heads back out on the road, this is the first thing we have when he leaves.

I also personally request it for my birthday etc..

The reason that Ryan turns his nose up is the tuna factor. But, it taste’s just as yummy made with chicken.
One cardinal rule that cannot be broken, you must use the fat cheap tuna. No tuna packed in water, it just won’t taste as rich. And as you can tell I left it out of the picture.
Click here for a printable Tuna Noodle Casserole recipe.
I will be linking up to these other fabulous sites. Stop by if you are looking for a few new things to break up your food rut. Beauty and Bedlam - Tempt my Tummy - Tuesday's at the Table - Foodie Friday


  1. I just about cracked up when I read your post! I kid you not, my mom, sister and I sat around yesterday talking about how much we like tuna noodle casserole and how none of our husbands do.

    My mom said she would always make it for us when my dad went out of town. I told my sister I would make a batch and bring her half that way we could each have some.

    Our recipe is different from yours so maybe I'll have to give yours a try. sounds so good I might need to make it NOW!

  2. Wow, that looks good! I used to love tuna casserole as a kid...and now that I think about it, we never had it when my dad was around. :-)

  3. I haven't had this in YEARS! You made it look so good, I may just have to do it!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. It looks wonderful. i have not had tuna noodle casserole in quite a long time! I've always like it I must say.

  5. I love tuna noodle casserole! I was just about ready to make it (using your recipe) when I realized that you said mix the flour with the butter but flour isn't listed in your ingredients so I wasn't sure how much I needed to add! I was going to experiment but then I realized I didn't have tuna either!!! lol If you get a chance can you let me know so I can try this out?? Can't wait! (When I was pregnant with my last one I couldn't get enough of this stuff....seriously!)
