
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cupcake Sucker Wall Art

So, while organizing throwing out the kids Valentine candy this weekend, I got inspired!

Wal-mart had these super cute marshmallow cupcake suckers the kiddos happened to get a few of. And if you did too, have ya’ tried to eat them yet? Let me tell you I am a Peep o’holic, and love anything to do with a gooey marshmallow. But these things taste like raw dough. Instead of tossing them I created with them.
Grabbing a frame that I purchased a few weeks ago at my local Goodwill.
Along with my never ending red burlap and some handy tools.
The frame got a nice new coat of paint. I spray achieved the burlap to the board. Cut the sticks of the suckers and applied a nice clear sealant. In retrospect this was not necessary. The marshmallow absorbed it all. And in due time they will just dry out and harden up.

I ‘m loving the color combination and the smile it will bring to someone. Yep, that one in the middle is not staying inline.

Remember, rethink what you're about to throw out, ya’ just never know what it can become. Sharing over at Blue Cricket Design - Thrift Thursday - Transformation Thursday


  1. Oh man! I've seen these at Michael's and knew I wanted them, just not for the candy purpose. Too cute! Thanks for such a great idea (coming by way of Show and Tell on Blue Cricket)

  2. So cute!! I love the bright, cheery colors!

  3. That is just too cute and I love it in a kitchen {especially if you are a baker}!

  4. What a great idea! Very resourceful of you!

    Ann Marie @ Household6Diva
    (stopping by from WFMW)

  5. wow, how creative is that? Awesome and so cute!

  6. Oh, I saw them and thought "how cute" but knew I didn't want to eat them. Now I need to go back and get them to use for "art"!!!

  7. Hi my name is Jen and I'm a Peep-aholic.

    That turned out so stinkin' cute! I never would have though of turning the peep-wanna-be suckers into art.
