
Friday, August 12, 2011

Say What?

Raising kids can be hard work, to say the least.  And my little man is always pushing the envelope on making mommy jump off the edge!

We just returned from a mini trip to the “happiest place on earth” and I am now really ready for a vacation. {Pictures are via iphone because I can't find my camera cord right now!}

Here, in no particular order, are some of the random thoughts that came out of the mouths of my off spring.  Most of which happened while driving in the car. So glad to be reassured there is no lack in their imagination.

While driving Hannah looks out the window and asks… “Mom, Is the man who invented bubble wrap still alive?”

“Hey mom, can I yo-yo out the window?

“We can’t take our itouch to school, just those really old CD players.”

“How did they make the tornado in the Wizard of Oz?”

“What’s your favorite flavor of ice?”

“MOM, what’s a VCR?”

Hopefully this weekend I will have some time to work on creating and sharing some posts with you next week. Things on this blog have really slowed down. Now that I have taken on yet another job as my kiddos continue grow up at lightning speed, that of a taxi driver.
Yes, I have now official entered the taxi driving years!

*UPDATE* This was how little man rode ALL the rides...Space Mountian, Rock-n-Roll Roller Coster, Tower of Terror, Splash Mountian... you name it he wanted to be in the front seat with his hands up on every ride!

At the age of 6 he had NO interest in meeting any characters. Just wanted to ride the rides. I was one sad momma! How will I ever oget over his HUGE lack of fear?


  1. I can't wait to hear more about your trip! We are gearing up for ours next week:) I love the VCR boys have no idea what that is either!

  2. How fun! All the questions and comments made my day! LOL! Looks like you had a wonderful time!
