
Monday, February 28, 2011

Coffe Table Facelift

The time had finally come for me to address my coffee table.

After lifting up a tray that I keep on top, at all times, I discovered this…

I can’t tell you how I am looking forward to the day when my kiddos have kids and they have to deal with left over candy wrappers, pencils and art pieces everywhere all the time!

I'm embarrassed to say we spent WAY too much money on this table in order to get that “worn” look that could handle getting a little extra “love” from our family! So I had been holding out on touching it.

I’m pretty sure it never got a layer of poly on the top.

That’s the only reason I can explain why it now looks like this.

So I hauled it out the front door, held my breath, crossed my fingers and toes, then started to sand her down.

Applied two coats each of these.

Then placed her back where she belongs strutting her new look.

So please don’t procrastinate like I did. If you have been holding back on tackling some of your furniture don’t be afraid.

I could have had this look months ago! And the worst case scenario would have been to paint the top or start looking for a new one {smile}.


  1. Looks awesome! You did a great job!

  2. Looks fantastic! I also started a furniture redo.

  3. oh my gosh that looks so fantastic. I really do have to try some furniture projects this year!

  4. what a fabulous piece! it seriously is amazing! so glad i came across your blog :)
