
Monday, July 19, 2010

Awesome {possum} Find!

My little guy loves to shop estate sales treasure hunts with me.

He found this on one of our last outings.
And with a $5.00 price tag I said sure thing.

He helped me carry it to the car talking all the way about how he was going to use it to store his t-ball gear.
I had another idea.
How about we spray paint it Yankee blue and you can put it by your bed?

He thought that was a great idea!
And so that’s just what we did.

Now if I could just get him to put his stuffed possum in it rather than sleeping with it.
I’m not sure if it gets anymore redneck than having your “lovey” be a stuffed {fake} possum.


  1. What a super cute find!!! I love it!

  2. That is great! Our oldest's room is vintagey basbeall stuff.. I am always on the hunt for lockers.. and never find em! Score for you 2!

  3. Love the locker, but honestly... I love your last line more than anything else. Hilarious. Seriously!
