
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A PEACE Out Birthday Party

My girl was turning 10 and wanted a PEACE out party for her birthday.

It was a bit hard coming up with PEACE items that were not really “groovy” PEACE but more along with the popular clothing store, Justice.
She had a few ideas. She wanted me to bake a pink PEACE sign cake.

She wanted Mac-n-cheese.

And mostly she wanted to have fun.

I picked up the invites last year at my favorite discount store, Wall’s Bargain Center for $2.84 for 20 invites. I found a PEACE sign font for free at my favorite free font site. And printed them in multi colored ink.
We picked a Saturday evening trying to work with everyone schedules. Ha! And guess what? All 15 girls showed up! I had really only planned on about 10. I was a bit over whelmed, as Ryan was on the road that weekend. And we already had a crazy schedule of me driving them all over kingdom come.
I used two box white cake mixes and a few colors of gel food coloring to make the cake. Along with my homemade butter cream frosting.
Using a gift box I blew up the number 10 in PEACE sign font cut it out and Martha glittered it up! It worked great for a cake topper. I cut out a few more peace signs to go around the base of the cake. While at Wal-mart that afternoon I found the flowers half off so I picked up two bunches at $2.50each.

I had hoped to take a cute picture after we cut it, but something about passing around the knife did not sound like a great idea.So I kept on cutting the cake. Here is what was left...

I mixed up 5 boxes of craft Mac-n-cheese and added about ½ pd. of Velveeta to it. Talk about cheesy…de-lish!
We had all of Hannah’s favorites like fresh veggies and fruit.
REAL potato chips, cheese puffs and yummy Nathan's Hot Dogs.
It was her idea to have an ice cream cupcake bar. So ahead of time we scooped vanilla ice cream into waxed cupcake wrappers and put them back in the freezer. I placed them on a cupcake holder with toppings all around.
Hannah had a PEACE sign Christmas tree this year so I got in the attic and pulled all the goodies down to decorate with. We added a few tie die balloons.
Gabe’s favorite was the punch ball balloons.

Does it show?
This is a growing boy. I did my best to keep him from devouring all the grated cheese.
That he swore he did not touch… see the dropped evidence on the kitchen top!
I was trying to plan all kinds of crafts for them to do when Hannah just asked “mom can’t we just PLAY?” Wow, now there is a novel idea! So that’s what they did.
We did a few things "old school" I had a matte for everyone to sign and paint pins to draw on plastic cups.
Ending the night with a few games of Truth or Dare and M.A.S.H.!

I will be linking up at these great sites Mom's The Word- Show and Tell - Get Your Craft On- Toot your own horn Tuesday - Soft Place to Land - Frugalicious Friday. Come stop by when you get time.


  1. That is one seriously awesome party! Both of my daughters would love that. You did a great job!

  2. This is great! I would love to share it on my blog. You can share it on my party web site

    Party and entertaining inspiration.

  3. Great party! My daughter has that peace shirt~ it's her fave;o)

  4. I LOVE the colors.. and ALL the ideas. Any girl would love this party!!! I might have to hit you up for ideas on my daughters Grad party lol

  5. Far Out! I love it all and she looks like she having the best time. I love how your son wore the peace shirt too.

  6. absolutely groovy! I loooove the cake and the pompom streamers! very well done! Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment. I have become a follower and would be honored if you choose to do the same!

  7. WOW, what a FABULOUS birthday party. My girl's would *LOVE* it! I love the color scheme and the cake is super cute. Your daughter is beautiful and your son is too cute for words. Thanks for sharing. I have 2 birthdays coming up and this post gave me a bunch of ideas, thank you! ~Liz

  8. Such fun birthday decorations you've put together...fabulous job!! Funny how peace signs are in again...makes me feel old! LOL! Just blog hoppin' today.

    Finding Fabulous

  9. Really fabulous party!Happy birthday to you.very impressive information.

  10. Happy Birthday,Hope the sun has been shining all day long,Lovely presents and hope you have had a big birth day cake.

  11. Holy moly what a FABULOUS party!!

  12. Everything was so beautiful. You had great ideas between the two of you!

  13. Wow, this was amazing! Lots of bright, "happy" colors! You went to so much work and I'll bet the kids loved it, I know I loved all the colors in your cake. Thank you for linking up!

  14. I have been searching and searching for someone that has had a peace party! lol. I was so excited to find your post at TCB, I cannot wait to show my daughter all the cool stuff you did. She is also turning 10 in June and I have so many ideas, but she is visual like her mom, so we will see what she thinks! I cannot Thank you enought for all the great inspiration! Especially love the cake! Peace Out!

  15. Hey Kate! I love this party and will be featuring it on BCD this weekend! I'd love to personally invite you to submit a tutorial or two to BCD! I adore your style and am always impressed! Click the "Be featured" button on my blog to see how to submit! I hope to see some of your work soon! Thanks!

  16. what a fun party! love that cake! I'd love for you to link it up

  17. Super great idea and perfect timing! My daughter is turning nine and wants a peace party. I'm using a ton of your awesome ideas. Thank you!

  18. Thank you so much for posting this! My daughter is also turning 10 and told me that she wanted a peace sign party. So I asked "like a hippie party?" Which was then answered with a very serious "No". Then I drew a blank on ideas. Love the cake idea!!! Might give it a try. Will let u know.
    Thanks again!

  19. Seems to be an enjoyable birthday party. We are planning a festive get together with all friends. Haven't decided about the event space. Will hunt some San Francisco venues online and discuss with all before finalizing one. I think fashion theme would make our celebration much more exciting.
