
Monday, January 4, 2010

Kate Create's Lego Table

My little guy just loves to play with Lego’s. He creates small little towns and villages that end up all over the house.

We had been looking at purchasing a Lego table for the past few months. This would allow him to keep his creations all in ONE location.

After looking online at the outrageous prices they wanted. Not to mention the style and design of the table. I was on a mission to make one.
Then last week at Goodwill I spotted the perfect table. It was low to the ground, had rounded corners {for safety} and was super heavy. So for $9.54 we took it home.
It has been so cold here {around 28* for a high} I was afraid it was too cold to paint. We brought the table in to warm up and I took all our space heaters out to the garage. It worked, but all along I kept wondering if I was going to blow our house up with the fumes and space heaters.
I trimmed and glued 4 sheets of these to the top of the table. We already had one sheet but had to purchase the other three at $14.95 each. I am sure you can look on eBay for cheaper ones.
It still lacks a nice sized basket for underneath and a few coats of poloy. {when it gets warmer}.
But it turned out great and fits in well with the rest of the playroom.


  1. I love this! Great job! BTW I saw a Lego table a long time ago on a blog (don't know which one) and they used felt because they didn't have the Lego sheets that you show. I think yours looks so great in the room.

  2. This was a great idea, Kate! My son is grown up now, but something like this would have really come in handy.

  3. This looks amazing! Lego tables ARE so expensive and never look even close to as nice as this one! I will be keeping my eyes open as I scour my local thrift shops!


  4. are soooo good! What a great idea and I loved the color you painted it; looks great with theme of the playroom. I get your little one is having a BLAST with his new table.
    Happy Monday to ya!

  5. This a fellow momma of little boys we have to have one! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love this table! You did am amazing job. My little guy isn't into Legos yet (but if so I would be on the hunt for a table, you bet ya!) The red is fabulous.

  7. What a dare I say it chic lego table. Great job

  8. That. IS. Awesome! Holy cow!!! Nothing more to say than that!

  9. Awesome! I see that style table all the time on craigslist. This is a project I will remember when the time comes!

  10. wow, this is SUPER clever! and for $9.54, how could you pass it up?! i bet your kiddo loves it :)

  11. Super cute! My son is too young but good idea for the future!

  12. love it! i need one of those badly! my little guy loves legos too! but i hate stepping on them! ouch! we have the same lego sheets but we have green and i like the gray better! where did you buy them? we did get the green at the lego store in orlando for 4.99! thanks for sharing!

  13. This is soooo freakin amazing! I must feature this! Let me know if that's ok! shoot me an email!

  14. LOVE the red!

    I would buy that table from you without the lego center. I seriously would. I love the lines of the table and, as I previously mentioned, I LOVE the red!

    Super job!

  15. wow, it's amazing, what a great playroom, my boys would love it

  16. Very cool! My hubby built some Lego tables for our house, but thay are no where as cute as yours! I will have to show him what you did.

  17. sweetest. table. ever.
    i amso not showing my boys this in fear that they will want one! but i am going to post this on my blog if it is ok with you!

  18. What a GREAT idea. I need to make one of those for our mega bloks (The in-between size). I love the red too!

  19. Fabulous! We have something similar with a ridge around the perimeter which is the total key for a lego table, so I'm hearin' ya!


  20. this is seriously amazing! Nice work!

  21. How did you trim the legos? What a creative idea!

  22. Awesome table! What little boy wouldn't love it. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  23. This is amazing, I'm so impressed!!

  24. I had seen this several months ago before I even started my blog or even started on the DIY path. I saved it because I adored this and wanted to make for my grandson. I have featured you on my blog today!

  25. That looks much more stylish and substantial, and it doesn't have a "toy" feel. Very well done.

  26. Oh that totally rocks. That is perfect! My 4 yo would have thought he died and went to Lego heaven!

  27. Great idea! Now I'm on the lookout... ((fellow CSI crafter))

  28. I've got a new blog and this was featured today! I'd love if you stopped by and grabbed a button!

  29. One word....FANTASTIC!!
