
Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Wowy! We had planned for a great outside July 4th BBQ. We had everything ready

The flowers where blooming and flags where everywhere.

Along with tables and chairs!

Even for the kiddos!

This sand pit is leftover from what used to be a sandbox.
My kids where happy to get the party started.

The cousins started to arrive first (they where the lucky ones!)
These two where not about to stop and pose for me.
Then we saw this!

It has not rained here in a month! And it NEVER rains in Oklahoma in July! But boy did it decided to rain on the 4th! We started grilling at 6pm and by 6:38 not only did it start raining but lighting too. So we had to move everyone inside. Not what we had planned. Hoping for it to let up but it never did. So we let-it-go and went on with the night. I somehow got sidetracked during all this and never took any pictures during the BBQ. I think I was to busy trying to create a plan B that we had not planned for. I was able to get a few before shots.
Remember the full bolt of red burlap I got a few weeks ago for $2.00? Well I put it to use for the Fourth. And by my guess we will have it for a few more Fourth of July's! Keep your eye out for all the red burlap. My husband started to call me Bree` that turkey!

These towels where all ready for wet kiddos from swimming. Instead they came in handy for our rain soaked guests!
I think this was a bit much for some...everyone kept asking me where the silverware was? I won't even tell you about where I kept the ice!

In the South we drink tea and pop (not soda)! Hannah's old wagon got some new use.
I had girlie things like Fizzy Strawberry Lemonade and fresh flowers.


And Gooey Butter Bars!

Party favors for the babies...

And the big kids too...

Mom's homemade vanilla ice cream,YUM! We did have a lot of really great food but I was to busy eatin' it all to take any pictures!
And this is the aftermath.... before

and after...much better!

I hope that rain or shine you enjoyed your Fourth. Where else but America can we express our shelves with the freedom that has been given to us all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, your party looks wonderful (inside or out). We had a tornado warning on the 4th (of course, guess who was outside, unaware of the impending danger until the sirens went off). Luckily, we were able to take shelter nearby.
    I have to ask though... where was the ice? :)
