
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dallas or Bust Baby!

We made our annual track down to Dallas for some back-to-school shopping for the kiddos. Nothing says FUN like 48 hours of marathon shopping with a 9 and 4 year old! And sadly this is not an audio tape book. We resort to DVD babysitting for our sanity.

{Yep! I also get a view of Ikea. Darn the luck!}

Being blessed with a great friend { manager of the Embassy Suites in Frisco, TX } allows us a great penthouse room overlooking the Dr.Pepper Baseball field and filled with goodies when we arrive. I love having friends in high places! Hee...Hee...

Hannah and Gabe think having their name in chocolate is just the best.

Thanks Bill we all had a fabulous time, just like we always do!

I have to confess a bit of the trip was for me. As I have a birthday fast approaching we stopped by a few of my personal favorites. One of them being Sprinkles Cupcakes! I got lucky with the flavor of the week being Key Lime.

Just down the street from Sprinkles is , in my personal opinion, the best mall ever! Northpark has both an upscale and lower scale end. Here we are going into the "upper" end side. This is what we where doing as we walked past valet parking. As I am thinking to myself yes, we are THAT family!

Wonder if Calvin will be contacting us anytime soon looking for his next underwear model!

I have a prediction to make and it really makes me feel OLD. Peace signs are the hot "new" thing for fall! Hannah is in love with them and here she is sporting one of her new hats, in pink none the less.

We made ourselves right at home kickin our shoes off {along with all the other kids} and running around the duck pond in the mall. Just happens to be right in front of Barney's and Kate Spade.

But the kids loved thinking they were doing something "forbidden" climbing the big flower pots.

This was the happiest I have ever seen Gabe at a Mall.

That is until we rounded the next corner and came upon the Grand Opening of the Lego Store and Dan the Master Lego Man!

As luck would have it the kids where able to help build a part of the giant Yoda that was to grace the new store.

I need Dan the Lego Man to come to my house every now and then. My kids were hanging onto ever word that he said.

Thanks to my honey for a great trip and carrying all those bags for me {smile}!!

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