
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Christmas in July

I am amazed all the things that can be created out of this one little can.

So while at my favorite store last week {Goodwill} I spotted these little lovelys. And flashed backed 30 years to my early childhood.

The shape was great and the frame was even better. I wiped them down and popped the picture out coating it with a few coats of chalkboard spray paint. First I had planned on creating some Halloween hangings but they are in such great shape I thought Christmas!! So the frames received a few coats of crimson spray paint and then I wiped a nice stain over the top for a bit of distressed look.

I think these will be perfect gifts for teachers and family friends. Packaged up nicely with some chalk and an eraser! It's never to early to start thinking about Christmas, Yikes!


  1. I know how you feel. I’m already stalking up on things that will be turned into Christmas gifts! I’m sure whoever you gift them to will love them!

  2. These look great!

    Hard to believe, but Christmas will be here before we know it. It is good to start thinking about it now!

  3. I like this idea for leaving notes to my kids.

  4. My favorite store is Goodwill (in my state it is the DI) too! It takes creativity to spot just a find and turn it into a diamond from the rough. Love! :) Annie from NFF

  5. Great gift idea! :) I hadn't thought of doing the chalkboards for Christmas. :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)

  6. That looks GREAT! It's so shiny! I think I need to make some. :)Lisa

  7. Wow that is a great idea to make presents out of them!! Who wouldn't want one of those? Seriously great project

  8. So cute!

    I have a poll up on my blog about my BIGGEST decor dilemma. Come on over and vote, I need all the help I can get!

  9. Great idea! I'm stealing it for sure :)
