
Monday, May 18, 2009

Lobster Legs...

Wow, is it already Monday again?

Seems like it flew by this weekend.

OU hosted their last home regular season series this weekend against Texas A& M. I am happy to report that we swept them. This always makes for a great weekend and cranky kiddos.

No idea who he is throwing this one to.
Gabe downed his uniform again. I can't get the kid to go to a game without wearing it.

He had to pay "clubhouse dues" this weekend. Thanking Buzz for cleaning and hanging it back in daddy's locker ready for the next game. So we baked homemade chocolate chips cookies and got a jumbo bag of double bubble. That should get us through to post season play.

You should see how much Gabe loves to be at the field. We have to drag him off after everyone else has departed. He believes that he is one of the "playors" as he calls them. It was cute in the beginning but now it has become a dreaded nightmare. Time we get that boy straightened out.(smile) But how cute is this?

On Sunday OU hosted kids Fan Fest day and we enjoyed jumping and diving off the inflatables before the game. And watching Ginger the cow get milked(sorry no pic.)!

Hannah was Jr. PA announcer for Sunday's game. She was SOOOOO excited. I could hear her practicing that morning in her room. Hannah longs to be a teacher but mommy thinks that she would be great at journalism. She is sure not afraid to ask anyone anything!

Notice the cute little crochet yellow necklace. She whipped that up to match her shirt.I stopped when she wanted the high on-the-side ponytail!

I was super excited about finally seeing the sun come out. So, I had plans that I would sport a great tan after setting out at the park on Sunday. Look at what I got! Sad thing is this looks great compared to my shoulders! Laying in bed last night covered in wools fat (stuff smells great) from my local Co-op. I fell asleep to the throbbing of my knee caps and aching shoulders. Dreaming of my morning shower! I can only imagine what I will look like in a couple of days.

But I did get some tan calves!

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