
Friday, February 3, 2012

V.Day Bounce Printable...FREE!

I know that I saw this idea out there somewhere. I failed to Pin it and when I search for it on pinterest I get nothing. So I had to resort too making my own for little man. Please, someone let me know if they know where this came from so that I may give the credit where credit is due!

I bought some Valentine Bouncey Balls at Target last week. For $2.00 you get 16 bouncey balls, not to shabby. Using some 3x3 clear lip and seal bags that I keep stalked at all times , in all sizes, form here. We, Gabe and me, cut, stuffed and stapled them together in just under 20 minutes.

If you would like to make your own set to pass out just click on the picture below. I left off Gabe's name so that you can add your own childs name without any problem.

Linking up at these great blogs Fingerprints on the Fridge - A Little Knick Knack


  1. Awesome!! Thank you! Any chance you would be willing to post your printable in a 4" size?

  2. Those are from The Crafting Chicks.
