
Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank You, Thank You Very Much!

I am ashamed to say I have yet to write one Christmas thank you, or started my kiddos on theirs yet.

They lay gathered in my “to do pile” that I hope to tackle tonight!

The importance of a quick timely, hand written, thank you to those who took time to gift you should never go unnoticed. I started my children at a very young age teaching them the importance of hand written correspondence. And even though they may moan and groan, at times, I persevere. Not only teaching them how to address a thank you, but showing them the gift of TIME sometimes can be the greatest {hardest} gift to give. Even when it’s a simple thank you!

We live in an age of high tech communication that is ever growing by the day! Children need to learn to love the written language and use it! I know 20 year olds that don’t have the slightest idea how to address an envelope!

So, while blog stalking I came across the cutest Thank you card for your kiddos, or yourself.

You can visit her cute little blog, Allsorts here. She has a FREE download for these little cuties.

Happy Writing!

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree with you more. My mom always made us write thank you notes, and I've tried to carry on the tradition. Thanks for sharing those cute thank you cards!
