
Thursday, December 9, 2010

A New Addition to Our Family!

Yes, I believe that Ryan and I have officially lost all our marbles!

Any idea what all this equals?

You guessed it…

For the past two years both kiddos have be hounding, no pun intended, to get a dog. We have discussed with them at GREAT length what a H.U.G.E. responsibility a pet is. A pet is Commitment till the day they pass a way. Not a fly by night play toy. It’s not only feeding and walking but spending time with the pet.

Now almost a week into caring for our new 12 week old British Lab, Bronx, they are beginning to understand. But have not complained once! Just the opposite has taken place. They are working together, playing together and enjoying every bit of it! Get back to me in about 4 months and will see how things are going!

This little pup has been downright perfect! We purchased him from a friend of ours that happens to be a breeder. And LOVES what she does. Bronx is crate trained, house broken, sets in the bathtub to be bathed and easier than I would have dreamed.

 This was a big step for me as I have refused to have any indoor animal in my home. And I am still coping living with him inside for the next few months. Yep, as soon as the weather starts to turn warm he will move out to his permanent home in the back yard.

Until then my kiddos are enjoying every minute with their new BFF!

Now you will have to excuse me, I have some puppy pads I need to return.


  1. I love that last picture. So cute!! Congrats!

  2. congrats!! We have pretty much the same story, including me not wanting an inside animal. We took the plunge back in October and barring a few instances, she's been pretty sweet. She stays outside most of the day {even though it's pretty cold} and seems to really enjoy it. She looks at us like were crazy when we try to get her to come in. She comes inside around 5pm to eat and lays around all evening. ahhh, a dog's life =)

  3. He is marvelous. Congrats.

  4. The photos are PRECIOUS! (Especially with the Christmas decor in the background.) I grew up with pets (dogs/cats) and have found them to be such joys in my life. I hope your kids enjoy the new responsibilities ("learning opportunities") and new companionship. :)

  5. Aww... he is so cute! What a wonderful addition to the family. I never knew how much I could love a dog... or how much a dog can love before we got our weimaraner! ♥
