
Friday, August 20, 2010


Have you missed me?

Well we have taken some much needed time off and have been crazy getting in the "back to school" mode, as I am sure most of you are too.
I know that my creative soul is aching for a good GW trip and crafting something new and exciting. But that is going to have to wait a couple of more weeks.
We took some time to head back down to Dallas and catch some Yankee’s vs. Rangers games.
This is just about as close as we will ever be to Jeter
And Swisher.
I can’t forget this player
He would have hit balls all 9 innings if we would have let him.
What you can’t see, or should I say feel, is the 106 degree heat! It was insanely HOT and made me wonder why we Americans ever decided to settle here.
Yep, it was so hot that right after I took this picture

My camera threw in the towel!
{This is how my son rides EVERY ride...even the Titan that took him 25 stories up and dropped him at 85 mph...should I be worried?}

So no pictures of our fun filled days to Six Flags {107*} and dragging the kids to every store known to man for back to school shopping. Or all the fabulous places we ate!

Eat here, order brisket tacos and call me to say thanks!

All I can say is thank heavens for hotel swimming pools!

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