
Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Terrarium How-To

Yet, another project of mine that I have had for a few years and am just now getting around to it…terrariums. They make a perfect gift just for about anyone.

This weekend the kids and I made a few in less than 20 mins.
Things you will need:

Apothecary jars
Charcoal {found at garden and aquarium centers}
Potting soil
Small low-light plants
Moss {found this in my back yard!}

Let the layering begin!

Make sure that you have first cleaned your jar well. Now, garb a handful of rocks and carefully drop them into your jar at least 1” deep. The rocks will ensure proper drainage.
Next, rinse your charcoal well before layering on top of your rocks. The charcoal will filter the water and prevent stagnation.

Now it’s time to add your potting soil. About 2-3” of soil will be needed for proper plant growth. Then simply add your plants. Using 2-3 mini fern type plants is an excellent start.
Place you new green-glassed garden in indirect light within your home. Checking the moisture level every week or so. Sprits with water or add a few shot glasses full as needed. A little condensation is ideal but be careful not to over water.

You can see me over at these blogs today - Show and Tell - Works for Me Wednesday 


  1. i've been wanting to make one of these for a while now! thanks for the kick in the hiney! ;o)

  2. I have a beautiful orbed one from my Oma who always had it on display. I'm terrible with plants, but your post has inspired me to give it a try.

  3. Great idea! I love the way this looks.
