
Friday, February 5, 2010

Good Times!

When you're a mom you really don’t have the luxury to get sick.

Yesterday I could feel myself slipping, and slipping fast. Then I tried to talk my self out of it. Saying you don’t have time to be sick. Oh, just eat some crackers this will pass.

But it happened. And I barley made it home, holding an empty Wal-Mart bag over my mouth, as I drove home. Hoping that I wouldn’t suck the plastic up my nose as I heaved into it. It was only then that I realized the small little whole in the bottom of the bag. Good times!!

So I lay in my deathbed still. Thinking what did Ryan dress the kiddos in today? As they both had class school pictures. Will he be home in time to get Hannah packed and over to her best friends slumber party. Her gift yet wrapped. Trying not to even think about tomorrows must do’s. Because as a mom I must be back up and at it dry heaves and all!


  1. I'm so so sorry you are sick. Sometimes it's so frustrating when you just need a day or two to do nothing, but that never happens. Mike laughs that with two hospitalization in the last year I had a bigger rest than I have had in years. It was the only way I could rest with no guilt. Heck, i was hooked to IVs! LOL

  2. Oh I hate that you’re not feeling well. Rest up and get better soon. I had the stomach flu after Christmas and it was the pits but I was stoked to lose 8lbs in 3 days! Always look for the positive, right?


  3. Praying you feel better soon. I just recovered from this nasty bug!!

  4. I hear ya about garage sale season! Soon enough.. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well..we have had our share here this month with an ear infection, sinus infection and a never ending cough. Hope you have a restful weekend.

  5. So sorry that you are/were sick. Hope you are feeling better! Hugs, Melanie
