
Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you have a Twinkie?

I can’t tell you how many times I hear “Oh, she looks JUST like you!” or “boy, you can’t deny she’s yours”! Then, when I have both my kiddos with me I get things like “now, are they both yours?” and “wow, he must look just like his daddy.

About a year ago my mother-in-law emailed me some pictures.

I thought how neat, she took Hannah and dressed her up for one of those old time pictures.
Nope, this is Hannah’s great, great grandma on her daddy’s side! I can hardly believe that her own mom could not tell them apart! Spooky, I know!

It’s such a spooky thing to look at these, even more so if you saw my daughter in person when she was the same age as her great, great grandma.

You see, my mom is adopted, and grew up in Kansas. Not too far from Hannah’s great, great grandma’s family. Made you want to go Hmmmm didn't I? I tease my husband that, we in fact, could be 2nd or 3rd cousions! But, I feel safe to say that is a very slim chance.
I am working on trying to find a great, great grandpa, {on my side} that looks like little man, but no luck. All I can clam is his deep brown eyes.


  1. Wow you’re right she really does look like your mini me and what a match with the vintage photos! That’s so cool that you have those to show her. It would be neat to do a little photo shoot and try to recreate the old pictures.
    Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. Wow that is spooky!!!! Your kids are darling! EVERYONE is always going on and on and on about how much my daughter looks like my husband. Gah I birthed her so just lie to me and tell me how much she looks like me!!

  3. Wow, that's just spooky! She does look like you too though! I hear all of the time that my DD looks just like me but i know I was never that cute. Now she DOES act just like me. HA!

  4. Wow that resemblance is uncanny! My son looks pretty much identical to my brother and father. Most people will say he looks just like my husband, but it's really my blonde -haired daughter that favors her dad as a child. They can all be so different. It's cool to see how God takes little bits and pieces of us and mixes it all up in our kids!
