
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hello? You Still There?


Hello? Is anybody still there?

Sorry I have been away obligated to all the Christmas craziness.

Remember how I was so excited that it looked like we were going to have a White Christmas?

Fast forward 24 hours to this

We decided to pack up early Christmas Eve and make the 40 min. drive to both our parents’ homes. What started out ok got bad quick, really quick. This was the first blizzard that I had even seen, let alone drove in. Winds were blowing snow 60 mph sideways.

About two hours in I really thought we might not ever make it. I had not packed any bottled water or food. With the exception on one bag of white giant Snowball cheetios! And about 40 pounds of almond barked everything!

It took us 3 hours but we made it. Just as we exited the interstate they shut them all down sending out the National Guard. Whoever was praying for a white Christmas I really need to talk to them about getting on our pray chain at church!

Hope that each one of you had a blessed Christmas. I will be back in full force after the New Year when we are done with traveling and visiting all our loved ones.


  1. Thank goodness you made it!! Have a great holiday with your family.

  2. I was stuck passing through Oklahoma on Christmas Eve as well, only I was one of the unfortunate many who got stuck on the highway for 10 hours after they shut them down. Here's a link to my blog post about it:

    What a wild ride!

    P.S. Love your blog!
