
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Have you met Matthew yet?

Well I have and he has some fabulous ideas!
Matthew Mead has a wonderful Halloween magazine/book out this fall. So much eye candy that my mind was on overload.
So this weekend I decided to raid the kiddos craft room and try out one of his ideas. It required large muffin liners, googly eye balls and fishing wire. I came up with two out of three things I needed and decided that my white thread would do just fine in place of the fishing wire.

I was thankful to see the googly eye balls we had were a peel and stick{please ignore the lovely hair stuck in all that mess}. I had planned on hot glue but this worked out perfect.
Just place the eyes up high then string and knot your thread on a needle. Go in the bottom of cupcake and thread out the other end. Now we have lots of little white {non-scary} ghost to grace our party.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kate, what a cute Halloween decorating idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I hope you can stop by Frugalicious Friday tomorrow! It's my day for sharing your fabulous finds and Diy projects!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous
