
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Goodwill Goodie Redo...

I have a few Goodwill goodies that I want to share with you. But I an still working on them, So today I just have one cute little project to show you.

Let me start with a before picture. This pretty much sums up my day. Terrible shot and I can't get the darn thing to post right. So please turn your head to the side and squint to see the cute bear in the middle. He was $.50 cents.

Now for the after. This is a much better picture and it is behaving for me too!

I spray painted the frame black, my personal fav, and used some leftover fabric I had. Then last night while at my local craft store I found this cute wood letter G for .99. A little spray paint and hot glued it to the fabric, perfect!


  1. That turned out great! I love goodwill make-overs! nice job! Visiting from Kimba's Party!

  2. Very, very cute!!! :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)

  3. Very cute! This would be a great gift for a new bride of her new last name initial. Or for a baby's room (with different fabric). I can just imagine all the great color combinations. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I am most certainly doing this project for myself! Great idea!

  5. I love it! I've got to do this soon! What a great gift idea!!!

  6. Hello Kate - I'm a new follower of your blog. Love what you did with that frame! The animal print is fabulous. Thank you for sharing!

