
Friday, May 22, 2009

Hannah's Favorites!

Just a couple more days to school is out for summer. Hannah has been wanting to take her favorite cookie to share with her 3rd grade class all year. So last night we whipped together a batch for her to take just in time! And thought we would share with you.

I'm not sure were these first came about. Growing up it was always a favorite treat for my sister and me. Then I started making them for my gang. We just call them Gram Cracker Cookies.

Here is what you will need.

2 Cups powder sugar
2 Tablespoons melted butter
2 Tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 box gram crackers
Get yourself a great little bowl, measure out the powdered sugar then beat in remaining ingredients. You are looking for a consistency of honey. Any thinner and the gram crackers will not hold together. Keep your powder sugar handy and add in teaspoon at a time till you reach the desired consistency. Tonight we added a bit of food coloring to make a pretty lavender icing.

I like to break my gram crackers in half before icing. It helps speed up the process. Spoon just about 1 Tablespoon onto a gram cracker and top with another to make a cookie. Place on a wire rack and let set for about an hour. Store in Ziploc bag for up to 5 days.

This is also a great icing for any Angel Food cake. Another one of our family favorites!

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