
Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Hoppy" Day

It has taken me a few days to write a quick note about our Easter weekend. This week at work has been a bit crazy!

We started Good Friday with a great win for OU baseball. With the weather getting warmer every day, it has been much more enjoyable to watch a night game here. OU won the series! Let me tell you how less stressful this year has been with all the wins! We are sleeping well at night.

The kiddos and I headed to Harrah Saturday morning after Hannah's 9am soccer game. They loved getting to play with thier cousins and coloring Easter eggs. This was Gabe's first experience at the whole coloring of eggs. He did a great job and was quite fascinated by the process.

Grandpa and Uncle Steve helped out by hiding about 100 Easter filled eggs for us. The kids did a great job making sure everything stayed even!

Easter Sunday after church we headed over to Nana & Papa's house for Easter lunch, Yum! If I have learned anything about having kiddos ALWAYS make sure the gift giving is even. Everything must come in twos!

Another indoor egg hunt awaited the kids as storm clouds had moved in overnight. Easter goodies were shared as we celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

Us girls are off to Dallas in a few hours to celebrate Hannah's 9th birthday! I will fill you all in on Monday!

Have a blessed weekend!

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