
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Koop Family

What an amazing , fun group this was.

The kiddos enjoyed thier visit to the back alley way's.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cranberry Walnut Slaw

This is a slaw a co-worker of mine shared with me just before Thanksgiving.

It's delicious, colorful easy and perfect for the Holidays.


1 16 oz. package shredded coleslaw mix
6 small chopped green onions
1 stalk celery, chopped
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons dry mustard
ground black pepper to taste

In a large bowl, toss together the coleslaw mix, onion, celery cranberries and walnuts. Mix vinegar, sugar, oil salt, mustard and pepper in a mason jar. Pour over slaw mixture and toss to coat. I mixed the first 3 ingredients together and mixed the dressing up the night before. Right before dinner I added the cranberries and walnuts then the dressing.

Linking up at these great blogs today  Tuesday at the Table - Tasty Tuesday - Tempt My Tummy

Random, For Sure!

It's almost over!

The pre-season photo session marathon! I haven't even had time to post about all the fabulous people I have meet during my sessions.

I was uploading a picture from my iphone. Then saw a bunch of pictures that I thought I would share. Hey, it at least gave me something to post about.

These are all from a trip we took back in October that I haven't even got to share with you about.

A 15 year anniversary.

Hannah's first bloody soccer nose.

Little man being funny!

Miss Me, WHAT ????? Equals ALL girls school for Miss. social

Hannah;s first time on the Honor Roll. She asked me what it was! Hey you gotta start somewhere!

A very proud moment for me! Ryan and our friend comparing Black Friday deals , 2:00 A.M. at Target. Us girls just set back and grinned! This is how "old folk" stay out late at night.

Little Man can't handle all the shopping!

New trunk we picked up for our bedroom remodel...the longhorn's will be hanging upside down at Ryan's office!

Hopefully by next week I'll be back in full swing with a few Christmas ideas to share.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Watson Family

I LOVE, LOVE. LOVE this family.

Always such a joy to work with.

Honest I leave our sessions with an up lifted heart every time.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Little Miss M & M!

We first meet at Little Misses 6 month photo shot.

She was a heart melter even then.

This girl was born to be behind the camera!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Jackson Family

This is my beautiful sister and my cutie neice and nephew.

Spud is always so much fun to work with.

And Miss Emma makes your heart melt.

And then there is the newest member of the family, PiPi!

One may wonder where my "deer" brother-in-law is for his family pictures. He had a date with a deer in a tree stand far, far away!